You're gonna need a bigger boat.

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Location: Bellingham, Washington, United States
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  • 3.28.2006

    Six random things

    6. Today is my very first Latin lesson with Brother Peter of the Order of Saint Benedict. I first met Brother Peter when I was working in the Saint Martin's University library, way back in aught-5 (way back then, it was Saint Martin's College). He's one of the younger monks (perhaps the youngest), and an all around nice guy, as I found most of the monks to be. In fact, in my personal opinion, Brother Peter is the ROCK STAR of the Saint Martin's Abbey. He's agreed to tutor me in Latin, once a week, for free, and he seems...excited about it. I'm excited too, as this moves me one step closer to my grad school goal. Though, I must admit, I'm a bit nervous as well. Br. Peter specifically, and the monks of the abbey in general take education very seriously (it's one of their four "basic principles"), and I want to conduct my studies in a manner that shows my appreciation and respect. Basically, I want to try and look smart. Be smart, really. I know that it will be fine, but I'm still a bit oogly.

    5. UCLA (I totally do the chant in my head whenever I see it or type it) is in the [please give yourself a moment to take a deep breath] FINAL FOUR. I'm freakin' giddy. I get all breathless just thinking about it. If they win the whole thing (and it won't be easy; LSU is no pushover and George Mason is playing at the top of their game and is flying high on their "underdog" status), I swear to everything that is holy that it will be better than sex. I'm not kidding.

    4. I was watching Bravo yesterday evening and they have this new program called Viral Videos (which they totally ripped off from VH1, but that's beside the point). Basically, they scan the net for really amazing/crazy/disturbing videos and then show them on TV. The funniest one that I have ever seen you can find here:
    Click on the "Star Wars Nerds" link on the right side of your screen to see Triumph the Insult Comic Dog take on Star Wars nerds. Hilarity ensued.

    3. For the past two weeks in a row, I have run four days out of seven. This week will make three weeks in a row. Hooray!

    2. History Day is gearing up again, and I'm uber busy, but in the best way. If anyone who reads this scintillating blog regularly would like more information about History Day, or might be interested in judging at this year's state contest (it's on May 6th, at Green River Community College in Auburn), please follow the link below:
    You can sign up to be a judge by clicking on the link on the left-hand side of the screen that says "Judges Needed."

    1. Birkenstocks are in full effect. Woot!