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Location: Bellingham, Washington, United States
  • House of Noh!
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  • 9.28.2006


    I have two funny stories for your reading pleasure. Well, I think they're funny.

    1.) This past weekend I finally purchased a new entertainment center, something I've been meaning to do for quite some time. The K-Marche was having a sale, and I found one that looked not only suitable but quite presentable. And I couldn't beat the price, $49.99, with a stick. [Sidenote: Before I continue, I would like to say this about K-mart. Yes, it's another saltine box store, much like Target and Wal-mart. Yes, it's probably pushing out local businesses, and that is a tragedy. However, their prices are almost always lower than either Target or Wal-mart, and their service, at least in my experience, is far superior. On this past occasion, I was assisted by a Housewares Associate named Michael. A Customer Service Rockstar if ever there was one.] But back to the matter at hand. I pay for my entertainment center and Michael kindly carries it to my car. I suppose that's why I didn't realize that it was nut-droppingly heavy. So, when I get home, I'm struggling just to get it out of the back seat of my car, and I'm dreading the 50 feet to my apartment door. I decided the best course of action would be to drag it by the industrial-stapled top flap (you know the giant staples that unerringly find their way into your delicate extremities?). It wasn't comfortable, and it wasn't easy, and by the time I got to the porch steps I was sweating and wheezing. But, at that moment, one of the nice young men who live on the floor above me, happened up the walk. I was saved! Or so I thought. We exchanged pleasantries -

    Me: Hey.
    James: Hey, how's it going?
    Me: Great!
    James: That looks heavy.
    Me: Yeah, I think it probably weighs about 75 pounds.
    James: Dude, that sucks.
    [End Scene]

    No offer to help. Nothing. He walks into the building without so much as a backwards glance. WTF?! Honestly, it was such a comical moment, I just had to laugh.

    2.) We have a new policy at work: only senior staff members can pick up and deliver the mail. So, when the morning mail comes in, whoever is sitting at the front desk calls up to one of us, and we go down and retrieve the mail. Last week, I get the call and I go down stairs to get the mail. I'm standing there having a nice little chat with the mailcarrier while I sign for a package and he busts out with: "So, are there any hidden passageways in this building?" I told him no, or at least that I didn't know of any. "Do you think there are any secret rooms?" Again, I responded in the negative, but I was thinking that the conversation was getting a bit odd. He waits a few moments before busting out the piece de resistance: "Any buried treasure?" It was all I could do to not say, "Yar, matey, that's not for you to know."


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