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Location: Bellingham, Washington, United States
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  • 9.01.2006

    Synonymous to?

    Lately, I've noticed that when someone does me a solid, I can't just say "thank you." Apparently, I have to throw in a "bless you" for good measure. I don't even know what happens; it just pops out. Yesterday I said it to the cute barista who spotted me a penny for my grande Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino; a few days before that I said it to the guy who always donates whatever change is leftover from his Gift Shop purchase (I need to come up with a catchy pseudonym for him). So my question is this:Is it equally as possible to be possessed by a divine force as a demonic one?

    Although, upon further reflection, I suppose that when one only says "bless you" the deity implied is uncertain. It's like short for "May _____ bless you." I could be saying "May the Goddess bless you." Or, even better, "May the Noodly Saviour bless you." There's no way to know without asking really. So, I guess that I shouldn't worry about it so much.


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