You're gonna need a bigger boat.

My Photo
Location: Bellingham, Washington, United States
  • House of Noh!
  • Dinosaur Comics
  • Penny Arcade
  • 11.22.2005

    Ms. Buzz, aka Lucille

    On a happier note, for Christmas I am getting a bike very much like the one pictured above. I already know, because I picked it out in an antique store in Pocatello, where my brother goes to school. The splash and chain guards of my bike are all shiny chrome though, no painted metal for me. And the paint is a deep, sparkly purple; the banana seat's vinyl is white with a large inset of sparkly purple that matches the paint. She even has a name: Ms. Buzz (hand to God). But I think I'll call her Lucille.

    You may even see Lucille and I some crisp winter morning, making our lazy way down to Darby's for an omelet. If you do, honk and wave. And I will give you the finger, as I do anyone that honks and waves at me when I am on bike or foot. But then, if I realize who you are, I'll wave and smile. And all will be right with the world.


    Fun Facts, Continued

    49. I prefer Washington to Oregon.
    48. I miss my Oregon friends terribly.
    47. If I could, I would wear my Birkenstocks 365 days of the year.
    46. I love toe-socks.
    45. I've ended up being friends (and in two cases, best friends) with every single one of my ex-boyfriends.
    44. Except one.
    43. I hate buzzwords.
    42. I try to avoid labels if at all possible. Except the kind on food. And clothes.
    41. I refuse to buy Abercrombie and Fitch.
    40. I do not shop at Wal-mart.
    39. I once worked at Wal-mart.
    38. It's as bad as they say it is.
    37. I have a hard time trusting men.
    36. I blush often, and for no reason, and I hate it.
    35. I strongly dislike most romantic comedies.
    34. Sometimes this makes me wonder if I'm a bitter, dried-up old hag.
    33. I never liked Seinfeld.
    32. I loved Spiderman before he became popular (again).
    31. If I was marooned on an island, and I could pick any kind of food that would always be available to me, I would choose sushi.
    30. I hate to cry.
    29. Sharks terrify me. Even cartoon ones, like in Finding Nemo.
    28. Jaws is one of my favorite movies of all time.
    27. I choose to be happy.
    26. I want to learn to knit.
    25. I wish that I was fluent in ASL.
    24. In high school, I played clarinet in the marching band.
    23. In college, I was in the drumline.
    22. I actually have stories that begin with "This one time, at band camp..."
    21. I'm in love with Jon Stewart.
    20. I love watching bad, low-budget horror movies.
    19. I sometimes act tougher than I am so that I don't ever appear weak.
    18. I have a subscription to PC Gamer.
    17. The first PC game I ever remember playing was Kings Quest.
    16. I am a closet hip-hop fan.
    15. I *desperately* want to learn to breakdance.
    14. I work in a Museum.
    13. I'm a fantastic lip-syncher.
    12. I brook no nonsense.
    11. I love snakes and lizards.
    10. I sort of collect things with polar bears and/or snowflakes on them.
    9. I love sparkly things (except for diamonds, which I find gaudy).
    8. I do not believe that Audio Science is an appropriate name for your newborn baby.
    7. I wore braces for three years in high school.
    6. My first car was a 1988 Volkswagen Fox.
    5. I now drive a 1991 Mazda Protege. And I *love* her.
    4. I will sing when I'm alone (in the shower, in the car, out in the woods, etc.), but will not sing in front of other people (unless intoxicated).
    3. I've never had major surgery or a broken bone.
    2. I love to laugh, but I love making others laugh more.
    1. I don't really like to talk about myself.

    Fun Facts!

    Rachel Fun Facts!! (I'm going to try and do 100, so it may take me a few days. Keep checking back! Also, these are in no particular order.)

    100. My full name is Rachel Elizabeth Lilley
    99. I've always wished that my first name was Kathryn, like my mother, and her mother before her.
    98. I was born (and raised) in Roseburg, OR.
    97. I do not recommend living there.
    96. I have one younger brother, Andy.
    95. He is my hero, and my best of friends in all the world.
    94. My favorite color is blue.
    93. My birthday is September 14th, 1976.
    92. This makes me a Virgo and a Dragon.
    91. Being a Virgo and a Dragon, I am anal, fiery-tempered, and do not like to feel out of control. But I am also creative, passionate, and fiercely loyal to friends and loved ones.
    90. These are aspects of myself that I embrace.
    89. I've always wished that I had jet black hair. The kind that almost looks blue when the sunlight hits it just right.
    88. The one physical trait that I am vain about is my hair.
    87. I spend too much on hair care products.
    86. I sometimes try too hard to impress people.
    85. I spend too much time worrying if my friends/co-workers/family members are mad at me.
    84. I sometimes worry that I'm not smart enough.
    83. These are things I am trying to change (86-84...I think it's ok to splurge on my hair).
    82. One of my favorite smells is rain-soaked pavement.
    81. I prefer rainy days to sunny ones.
    80. I've had a seizure (whee!).
    79. I have two tattoos
    78. I would like *more* tattoos.
    77. I smoked for a couple of years in my early 20s, and am still in the process of completely quitting.
    76. I've never been in a fist fight.
    75. I made my mother cry once.
    74. It is the one thing in my life that I would "do over," if given the chance.
    73. I'm looking forward to turning 30.
    72. I enjoy my job (working for the Washington State Historical Society).
    71. I still occasionally add/subtract using my fingers.
    70. I am a nervous driver, with no sense of direction.
    69. I consider coffee my one remaining vice.
    68. It is the one vice I will *never* give up.
    67. I am a movie FREAK.
    66. I enjoy playing video games.
    65. I'm right-handed.
    64. I plan on getting my Masters in History within the next 5 years.
    63. My favorite snack food is Cheetos (the puff kind, not the crunchy kind)
    62. I still believe in unicorns.
    61. I don't believe in god.
    60. I'm obsessed with Sigourney Weaver.
    59. I sucked my thumb until I was 12.
    58. I once got turned down by a guy because my breasts were too small.
    57. I kicked him in the junk.
    56. That was a lie. I *wish* I had kicked him in the junk. Screw you, Tony Fox!
    55. My first kiss (Tony D'Apelito...what is it with Tonys?) is still one of the best kisses I've ever had.
    54. I was deeply in love with the person I lost my virginity to.
    53. I am a pop culture whore.
    52. I like the first three Star Wars better.
    51. I'd take Matt Damon over Brad Pitt every day of the week, and twice on Sunday.
    50. The Bubonic plague has always fascinated me.

    Stay tuned for no. 49 to no. 1! Coming soon!


    More 80s goodness

    And this here is Trent, rockin' the Connor/McEnroe look. And yes, he is holding an apple-tini. I'm not sure what happened to his racket though.

    80s Madness, Part Deux

    Ah, theme party, how I love thee. And how cool are my friends? The young man totally stylin' as a member of the Miami Vice squad is Nick (which, and I mean no offense here whatsoever, is SO an 80s name), and the gorgeous young woman is my friend Jess, who you may remember from the previous 80s Madness pic (the third fine female in the first 80s Madness picture was Misty, another of the beautiful people).

    80s Madness, y'all!

    Well, as this is my very first post, I thought I would throw out a little of what I like to call, "80s Madness." That's what the above picture is all about. Notice the teased hair, the heavy-handed make-up, the decidedly 80s pose, complete with bared shoulders and pouty, half-open lips (if only we'd had a wind machine!). I happen to be the young tart in the middle, the one who looks like she just snorted a huge line (also very 80s I might add...just keepin' it real). And, I would just like to state for the record: I hate cameras, and I hate pictures of myself. So I hope you all feel very lucky.