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Location: Bellingham, Washington, United States
  • House of Noh!
  • Dinosaur Comics
  • Penny Arcade
  • 1.11.2006

    You Shall Create My Soundtrack

    I'm feeling empowered today. I can feel the tide turning. It's as if I was scheduled for some sort of emotional epiphany; I woke up this morning and things were...different. I've no real gift for words, so I won't bother trying to explain. But it's sunshine-y where I am. And bunnies are pissing rainbows.

    Maybe it's my new haircut, my first "adult" haircut. No more "just trim a little off the bottom" for me! I got layers and "face framing;" my hair was "texturized" and my scalp was massaged. The girliness of it all sort of makes me want to vomit, but I have to say: it was worth every penny. :)


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