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Location: Bellingham, Washington, United States
  • House of Noh!
  • Dinosaur Comics
  • Penny Arcade
  • 11.16.2005

    80s Madness, y'all!

    Well, as this is my very first post, I thought I would throw out a little of what I like to call, "80s Madness." That's what the above picture is all about. Notice the teased hair, the heavy-handed make-up, the decidedly 80s pose, complete with bared shoulders and pouty, half-open lips (if only we'd had a wind machine!). I happen to be the young tart in the middle, the one who looks like she just snorted a huge line (also very 80s I might add...just keepin' it real). And, I would just like to state for the record: I hate cameras, and I hate pictures of myself. So I hope you all feel very lucky.


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